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Auteur Topic: Dolox 0.5 Hot  (gelezen 28335 keer)
0 geregistreerde leden en 1 gast bekijken dit topic.
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« Gepost op: November 20, 2006, 03:09:19 »

Hi there guys,

I'm testing the 0.5 beta release, with outlook 2003 against OpenXchange, Its working fine, I mean, the contacts which I add, for
example , the web interfase, the apointments aand so on, everytime I syncronize , I fetch them to outlook, and when I modify
a contact withing outlook and then syncronize, the modification, or new contacts are added to the OpenXchange LDAP,

The problem I'm having is, do no know if it's dolox related configuration or OpenXchange, that the contacs are not added to the Global
Address Book, if you look at the OpenXchange menu, you'll see on the left column Contacts first, then below Global AddressBook

How can I achive that? , do I have to play with the LDAP ACL's ?, is it related to the user I'm loggin in to the LDAP?

I'm making the test with user mary ( Dolox Config ),if you need more information just ask.

Thanks in advance, thanks for your time
Berichten: 183

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« Antwoord #1 Gepost op: November 22, 2006, 11:07:52 »

Hi Pablo,

we already mailed. DoloX is 100% opensource. We made this because of the lack of it.

At this moment DatuX can't help you on this issue, we are only developping the tool.

The global adresbook is stored in LDAP and other adresbooks to. OX fetches the information out the LDAP server.

DoloX puts them in you adressbook. Not in the global.

Install an LDAP browser to investigate the LDAP tree.

Berichten: 2

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« Antwoord #2 Gepost op: November 22, 2006, 03:00:30 »

Yes, I found that  logged as mary for example and syncronizing to the OpenXchange, I found that the contacts were added to the
private addressbook and not to the global which is good but not what I want at the moment , I thought it was an Outlook misconfiguration, so I added a second  LDAP AddressBook to  outlook, one pointing to the global addressbook and the other to the private, thinking that Dolox would syncronize them depending on the Outlook configuration  and  that Dolox would them to the LDAP, but as you said, that's no posible.

Maybe my option is to buy the Outlook connector., what do you think? remember that I want to be able to add contacts from
outlook to the global addressbok in the LDAP.

Thanks for your time.
Berichten: 183

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« Antwoord #3 Gepost op: November 23, 2006, 11:22:02 »


"Maybe my option is to buy the Outlook connector., what do you think?" If it fits your needs and DoloX doesn't, i would suggest it also.

DoloX is GNU/GPL, so i can't tell you how long this takes?
« Laatste verandering: November 23, 2006, 11:48:12 door Erwin Drent » Gelogd
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